WASHINGTON – Today, Arizona Senators Ruben Gallego and Mark Kelly urgedInterior Department Secretary Douglass Burgum and Bureau of Reclamation Acting Commissioner David Plumbo to reverse a funding freeze that could endanger the Colorado River. The Senators have heard from Arizonans that funds are frozen for infrastructure projects and for agreements put in place to keep water in Lake Mead and protect the Colorado River we all depend on. 

“The Colorado River is in the midst of a historic drought, and our constituents are working on solutions to keep the river flowing. This winter snowpack accumulation is below average, so we need to do everything we can to improve conservation. This means making sure projects receive support and funding,” the Senators expressed.

Kelly and Gallego emphasized that funding freezes to the Lower Basin Conservation and Efficiency Program can harm water conservation efforts and mentioned delayed repairs at the Glen Canyon Dam as another consequence of freezing Bipartisan Infrastructure Law projects.

They added, “Freezing funds for these agreements with irrigation districts, cities, and tribes could undo the collaboration and careful planning needed to keep the Colorado River flowing in years to come. In addition, payment uncertainty can have significant negative effects on project implementation and lead to projects and companies collapsing.”

To conclude the letter, Kelly and Gallego pressed the Trump administration to follow the law as Congress passed it.

Click here to read the full letter.